Fairies, Ley Lines, and Who is “Old Gray”?

So that map I was shown by Archangel Metatron…I was shown it again today when I received a Going Beyond the Veil session. This time it was a small band of fairies that made it clearer to me. All I could see was a very rudimentary map - lots of criss-cross lines and and arrows. The fairies kept saying “lines…lines…” and I had a feeling they are referring to ley lines.

Ley lines, otherwise known as Dragon Veins, are thought to carry some form of energy. Many historical and mystical monuments or landmarks are built on these lines. Having had a look at the map of UK ley lines, I realise that the Michael and Mary ley lines are nearby. Also, I am about to head to Southwold in Suffolk for our holiday where the South East ley line ends. I think I have some exploring to do!

“Did you say fairies?” I hear you ask. Yes! This is the first time that I have connected with fairies. Four of them. All very playful and whizzing around, full of energy and excitement. Their message? To play more and have fun! They helped to clear my heavy energy by sticking me in a rainbow fountain. Then they showed me a clearing in the woods where I had the feeling that I need to find other fairies and meet up. Not sure where I will find others connected to fairy energy, but I am hopeful. And if anyone knows who Old Gray the wise man is, please let me know!


Symptoms from the Lion’s Gate Portal


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