Symptoms from the Lion’s Gate Portal

Who else has been feeling strange over the past two weeks? I have been feeling really lethargic, experiencing headaches bordering on migraine, nausea, and have spent a lot of time in bed. It doesn’t help with the heat and being on holiday at a busy seaside town. It also doesn’t help when I can’t actually explain what is wrong either. I just know something is off, but I don’t know what.

It just so happens that we are now at the end of what is known as The Lion’s Gate Portal. This is something new to me, and as I understand it, it is also known as the Cosmic New Year. It is seen as a great spiritual and astrological event.

This period of high energy begins July 28 and ends August 12 with August 8 (8/8) being the peak. In many cultures, the number 8 represents luck and abundance. When turned on its side, the figure 8 appears similar to the infinity symbol which denotes the boundless disposition of the universe and a sign of the soul’s infinite journey. And this year, numerologically, it is even more powerful as 2024 equals 8 when the digits are added together.

Astrologically, it is the rising of the Star Sirius within the constellation of Leo. Sirius is known as the Spiritual Sun and is honoured by many ancient cultures and spiritual practices. In Ancient Egypt, the rising of the star signified that the Nile was about to flood, bringing an abundance of minerals and nutrients to the soils for strong and fertile crops. The star itself is associated with abundance and prosperity. Many also believe that Sirius is a gateway to heaven, and during this time the wisdom of the universe can be more easily accessible to us down on Earth.

The energetic opening to the higher realms gives us all the opportunities to expand spiritually. For many, they will experience high levels of creativity and energy to be proactive. Some will choose to align with the high energy frequencies for manifesting through their preferred practices and methods.

However, I didn’t realise how high the energy at this time can be. I think this is why I have been feeling ‘off’. I suspected that there may be a link between my off-ness and the portal, but yesterday after some research, I’m pretty sure this is the case. It has made me realise how we can be affected by the different energies at play around us. I have tried to engage in self-care without the guilt - neglecting the piles of post holiday washing and resting when feeling tired, holing myself up in a cool dark room rather than going out, remembering to look after myself physically with plenty of water and good food. It has also helped to be able to talk through what I have been experiencing with my supervisor and my peers. To be able to voice the link and work it out without fear of judgement and someone thinking I’m going crazy. And talking has helped me to utilise this energy in a positive way - I have been able to set my intentions, open my heart, and make a to-do list!

Time to work with this amazing energy of creativity and abundance and make things happen. But first, I need a nap…




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