About Me

Hi! I’m Vanessa Vile, a spiritual counsellor, hypnotherapist and Soul Plan Practitioner. I am also a mother, partner, friend, learner, traveller, explorer, survivor….

I suffered a breakdown in my early 40s resulting in hospitalisation and the start of much intense therapy and soul searching. I felt lost and trapped. I was unable to pinpoint what was wrong, only that the life I was experiencing was not right. From engaging in the various therapies offered to me, I found a way to be more ‘me’. I was learning how to integrate ‘me’ back into my life alongside my day-to-day responsibilities. By addressing the traumas experienced, I have come to realise that I am resilient and could learn so much from these experiences. This has spurred me to live according to my soul’s alignment and not to other people’s expectations. I want to share what I have discovered and help others to also align with their soul destiny. If you would like to know more, feel free to read My Training Journey and my musings on my Blog.

My educational and work background is in Psychology and healthcare. I have worked with people and clients in various fields from learning disabilities to mental health to addiction, within the community, secure psychiatric hospitals and prisons. Since starting my family I have worked in private healthcare firstly supporting a fertility team with Quality Management, and then the NHS team with referrals into the private sector. I trained with the Holistic Healing College for the Diplomas in Spiritual Counselling and Hypnotherapy, and as a Soul Plan Practitioner. I am now embarking on their Integrative Psychotherapy Diploma.