Why start a blog?

Good question! I can’t say writing is my strong point. It takes me a very long time and many, many edits to produce any written piece of work. Even e-mails are difficult for me to construct with many re-writes before the send button is hit. So why have I decided to start writing a blog?

Well, where do I start…Through meditations and downloads it was suggested that I write. In one particular GBTV session, I was shown a great table upon which were piles of parchment. Many were written or drawn on, but there was one pile of blank parchment and a calligraphy brush by my right hand. Archangel Metatron appeared and revealed that I will need to write, but as to what I was to write about he was unclear. (He also showed me a map in that meditation, but I think that’s for another blog).

On a walk with my son last week, he suggested that I write my autobiography! My first thought was “Why would anyone want to read about my life? I’m a nobody. I’m not a celebrity or a visionary or anyone noteworthy. Who would be interested in me?” My son pointed out that I have had lots of interesting experiences that he would be interested in reading about: being brought up as a British Born Chinese in a village; growing up in a take-away; working in interesting environments; travels around the world; and more immediately, my spiritual expansion and experiences of growing my business.

Many times it has been put to me that I need to “make myself visible”, “put myself out there”, “step out into the light”, “be seen”… Then it came to me that I do not need to write big, nor write about the past. I can write about my experiences and thoughts as they happen. A bit like journaling, but more coherent (maybe!).

And so here I am, starting a blog. I can’t promise what the content will be like. Or that it’s interesting or make sense. But I will share myself here, and promise to be open and honest in what I write. You, as the reader, will get a glimpse of what goes on in my head! So, let’s go….


Fairies, Ley Lines, and Who is “Old Gray”?