Soul Plan Reading

The Soul Plan reading is derived from the sound vibration of your original name. This produces a set of energies which are placed around the Star of Creation. Each position around the star has a special significance relating to both the physical/worldly existence and the spiritual aspect of life. By exploring these different sets of energies, I can help with overcoming challenges, realise your strengths, and unlocking your full potential.

Soul Plan Reading has its roots in the ancient text “The Sefer Yetzirah”. In the second half of the last century, the Star of Creation Gematria method was channelled by the visionary Frank Alper and forms the foundation of this work. Blue Marsden, founder of the Holistic Healing College, has extended on the original making it more relevant to our current time.

Standard Reading

Your birth name constitutes the dominant vibration and remains the major influence throughout your life. In a standard full reading, I offer a specific interpretation relevant to each position on the star.

Included in a full reading and activation is a clearing of many redundant issues, trauma patterning and limiting beliefs. Through the universal law of grace, there are many old patterns we can choose to let go. By receiving a reading you will gain a deeper understanding of life experiences, as well as an awareness of your own natural abilities and soul level goals.

Two Names

If the name you use now is different to your birth name, it can have a major significance. Its vibration is layered over the original and can create quite a significant impact. Determining the effect of this will require an additional method of interpretation.


Your own vibrations interact with those of the universe and those around you. I can use soul plans to see how you can best be with those closest to you. It will help with your understanding of how your energies affect how you relate to each other.

Business Names

It is possible to use the soul plan system to help you choose a business name that will work well with your own energies. By sending the right energies through your business name, we can attract the right clients to your business and achieve your business goals. The business name plan will include a mini reading for the owner/founder, and an interpretation of up to 3 possible business names.


All options include preparation of Soul Plan chart(s), a 1:1 session (either in-person or online), advice and action to take away as appropriate, Soul/Grace Clearing, and Healing Affirmations.

  • Standard Reading, 1 hour session £150

  • Two Names, 90mins session £200

  • Relationships, £ please enquire (dependent on number of names)

  • Business Names, 90mins session £250

Get in touch if you would like to arrange a full reading and activate your Soul Plan.