Soul Transformation Therapy

Soul Transformation Therapy (STT) was developed by Blue Marsden and uses the same energies as those for a Soul Plan reading. It is a therapy technique which uses a method not dissimilar to tarot and Jungian archetypes to diagnose the root cause behind an issue. Soul Plan cards are used to identify the relevant polarity and core separation pattern which is being experienced. Several soul transformation interventions may then be used to clear mental and emotional blocks and release trauma, allowing for transformation to take place.

This method of working allows for rapid healing and getting to the root of an issue quickly. This in turn will aid in your own spiritual growth and journey.

How long does a session last and what happens?

A STT appointment is 75 minutes. After a discussion about the presenting issue and root cause identified with the Soul Plan cards, the most effective intervention(s) will be used to help address and clear the blockage. A future reading will then be completed to give guidance on how to fully integrate what was revealed in the session.

I am experiencing a block but don’t know or don’t have a specific problem.

That’s ok. The cards will tell us what may be in the way of you moving forward right now, at this moment in time.

Do I need to have had a Soul Plan Reading beforehand?

No. This is separate from a Soul Plan reading. Soul Transformation Therapy works with the problem or issue presented in the moment. It is not necessary to have your Soul Plan chart in order to engage with STT.

Price: £85 per session