How I Met My Dragon

I have a dragon guardian, named Thalbi. He is an Eastern dragon - serpent-like with green scales, able to fly, and has long whiskers. He seems old and wise, has gentle caring eyes, and although powerful, also seems playful. I met Thalbi this week after nearly 2 weeks of suffering from low energy resulting in cancelling events and staying in bed much of the time. This is how I came to meet my dragon:

After connecting with a friend briefly in a healing circle, he contacted me again the next day to ask about my spiritual self-cleansing routine. At no time during the healing circle did we talk about how I was feeling and what was going on, so this came as a bit of a surprise. He told me he had a dream: I had broken into his house and was tucking into a bag of dried blueberries, making a mess everywhere! This told him that his energy field has been infiltrated and I was the cause, because I too had been infiltrated. Did I feel drained of energy? Yes! Did I feel like I was not myself? Yes! Did I feel like messages weren’t clear for me? Yes!

So what did I do with that information? My friend said that he would contact someone who specialised in clearing unwanted energy to help. But in the meantime, I knew I also had to do some clearing myself. I engaged with my usual ‘go to’ practices, namely meditating in the shower - imagining violet or pure white light washing away negative or stagnant energies, and then protecting myself within a bubble and carrying selenite.

The next day, I received a Going Beyond the Veil session which focussed very much on cleansing and healing. I was led to a rainbow waterfall and pool, which cleansed me and my aura. As I was relaxing in the waters, a dragon suddenly appeared looking over the edge of the pool. After introducing himself, he breathed red/orange fire all over me. This was for restoring my energy levels, and I could feel these colours flowing through my body and pooling in the root and sacral chakra centres.

My friend informed me the following day that his contact had helped remove the infiltrator. We also discussed the significance of dragons. Dragons are protectors and are able to protect a person from all types of attacks. My dragon was green, which is the colour of healing, so he helped heal me and now that I am aware of him, I can call upon him to protect me. I now like to think that he is always by my side, much like a loyal friend.

This event has definitely highlighted to me the importance of preparing myself before I work with energy, as well as clearing afterwards. It is so easy to let some of these elements slip especially when things have always been ok before. I don’t know when or where I attracted the energy draining infiltrator, but I certainly felt it. So now I will make sure I create a protective bubble at the start of the day, and close channels and connections created with people afterwards.

And of course, it’s a comfort to know that I now have Thalbi by my side too.

